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Upgrading of existing MR120 to dual carriageway standards within the Oshakati townlands (JNC MR92 - Okatana).

The project involves the upgrading of the existing MR120 to dual carriageway standards within the Oshakati townlands. The carriageway is 4 km long.

Project Type :

Status :

Location : 

Client :

Contract Value :


Roads, Upgrading

Main Contractor

Oshakati Townlands

Roads Authority of Namibia

N$ 196 Million

Upgrade the existing MR120 to dual carriageway standards within the Oshakati townlands, covering a 4 km stretch.

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The project comprises the following main works:

  • Construction of temporary diversions and their removal during trimming operations.

  • Ripping and re-compaction of existing pavement layers.

  • Construction of new subbase, base course, and shoulders.

  • Construction of new drainage culverts.

  • Application of a prime coat and a 19mm Cape seal.

  • Supply and installation of road signs and road markings.

  • Finishing off the road, road reserve, and the site in general.

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