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Phase 1: The rehabilitation and upgrading of Trunk Road 1, Section 6, between Windhoek and Okahandja (Section 4A entails the construction of a 28 km stretch of road from the Dobra River to the Omakunde Interchange) to dual carriageway freeway standards.

Döbra River to Omakunde Interchange and Omakunde Interchange to TR 18 Interchange.

Project Type :

Status :

Location : 

Client :

Contract Value :


Roads, Bridges

OTESA/CMC di Ravenna Joint Venture

Döbra to Omakunde

Roads Authority of Namibia

N$ 1,085 Billion

Construction of roads and bridges.

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The project comprises the following main works:

SECTION: Döbra River to Omakunde Interchange

The project work involves upgrade of TR 1/6 to dual carriageway such as clearing and grubbing, opening and reinstatement of borrow, construction of temporary short diversions, especially at interchange bridges, construction and widening of road formation, construction of subbase and base layers.

Section: Omakunde Interchange to TR 18 Interchange
A total of 27.6 km of dual carriageway including 21 km on new alignment

  • Construction of 4 Diamond Interchanges of variable length (from 63 m to 107 m and designed for both spans to be prestressed in one stage).

  • Construction of 2 river bridges of 72 m and 280 m, the second bridge (over Swakop River) is designed with piling foundation on the second part (last 80 m) and it is also prestressed twin spine deck.

  • Construction of 3 in situ box culverts.

  • Laying of 4,200 m of culverts of various dimensions.

  • Earthworks amounting to 1,330,000 m³.

  • Construction of benching, cut, fill, and two selected subgrade layers (G9 and G7).

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